Law of attraction

Mariyam Khan
2 min readAug 3, 2020


It may sound a fancy term but honestly, it isn’t. and it is as natural as law of gravity, the law of relativity and like all the universal laws these laws have made it possible for the human beings to reach beyond the surface of the earth and understand the human genome and other incredibly amazing things have made possible due to these laws similarly there is one law that helps human to attain anything. That is the law of attraction. It says that What you focus on you attract irrespective of age, gender, wealth or any discrimination

To understand the law of attraction it is inevitable to understand that you attract the people the things the circumstances in accordance with your governing thoughts. It means our lives get better when we make our inner circumstances better.

Now here is a notion which I want to address and i.e

* Confirmation bias

You might have noticed that human beings seek information that confirms that validate what we already believe. What does that mean if you are following my articles you have been aware that what do I write about the same article is being delivered to many people and they all are reading the same words but some of them find these extremely useful and some might say that what the hell are these none of these tactics works and they are shit and all that why it’s like that? because we seek information what we already believe you know when you listen to something you don’t listen to what the speaker says you listen to what you want to listen to. we all have this filter that is what we call confirmation bias. if we listen to something we already believe we’ll take that in and if we don’t believe that already we’ll either ignore it or fight. that’s why the same content stimulates such different behaviors.

