Transforming Imagination Into Reality

Mariyam Khan
2 min readJul 28, 2020

Your life is a reflection of your programs because 90% of your comes from your subconscious

Think about it for a moment what would happen if your subconscious mind matched your wishes, passions, and purposes which are in our conscious mind? Your brain is available to download new programs twice a day and here you can REPROGRAM your subconscious mind.

Our conscious mind can learn from plenty of different sources like by reading a book, watching a video listening to a podcast and so much more but our subconscious mind isn’t synchronized with the conscious mind in that way that if your conscious mind learns something new your subconscious mind also learn it. it’s not like that you can’t change your programs by simply reading a self-help book or listening to an inspirational lecture you have to reprogram it. The subconscious mind only learns in two ways our subconscious mind is a habit mind

When a child is born and then up to his age of 7 his brain is in Vibrational Frequency of Theta which is hypnosis so you can download information directly into the subconscious mind if your mind is in hypnosis but now we are all done of that phase so what can you do now? Twice a day our brain operates through the state of Theta. twice a day your brain can download information. i.e self-hypnosis. when you sleep you are in the lowest vibrational frequency called Delta as you start to wake up but you are not fully awake i.e Twilight Reverie that’s a point called theta .when we start to awake entirely i.e the state of calm consciousness called alpha then the brain goes to the phase of beta i.e when we engage with the busy worlds of our work or study places then you return home again the brain goes through the state of alpha i.e calm consciousness and when you are closer to falling asleep your brain drops done to lower vibrational frequency of theta i.e again hypnosis

If you listen to the programs to those affirmations that you want to acquire in your life those programs which you listen are completely downloaded into your brain [it can be any positive affirmations, any religious rituals whatever that you want into your subconscious mind]

The second way in which the subconscious mind learns something is habituation i.e if you do something and repeat it over and over again your subconscious mind will download it and make it a habit

~Based on the research of epigenetics

